
Herbarium (Timglaset Editions, 2022)

Triste digte (Non Plus Ultra, 2019)

Chapbooks and zines:

W(ord)s & Weavings (Eget Forlag, 2023)

Any Night (Enneract Editions, 2023)

Repeating Patterns (Paper View Books, 2022)

Stella (No Press, 2022)

Daydreaming Melancholia (The Blasted Tree, 2022)

Ene (w/ Væi Ellen) (Non Plus Ultra, 2021)

Insignificant Chrysanthemum (No Press, 2021)

Printed matter: 

Winter Notes (w/ Korana Jelača) (2022) leaflet + CS

Speechless (Less journal #5, Essence Press, 2022) card

Head Trip (No Press, 2022) leaflet

1-3 (w/ Væi Ellen) (self-published, 2022) prints

Human Error (Viktlösheten, 2021) broadside

Intruding Madness (Non Plus Ultra, 2020) leaflet

Sad Face (Non Plus Ultra, 2019) leaflet

Testbillede (Timglaset Editions, 2019) broadside


Shapes (Scrypth, 2022)

Eyes/Øjne (Non Plus Ultra, 2019)


Artist’s Book Yearbook 2024-2025 (Impact Press, 2024)

Proporción Aura (Arset Ediciones, 2023) 

Produktion >< Publikation (Habitat, 2015)


ToCall #19 (2023)

uDkAnt #25 (2023)

Cutbow Quarterly #5 (2023)

Needle Poetry #1 (2023)

Hvedekorn #2 (2023)

Riss #1 (2023)

Aswirl #1 (2023)

The Minute Review #7 (No Press, 2023)

The Minute Review #6 (No Press, 2022)

The Oulipo Puzzle Book (Trickhouse Press, 2022)

ToCall #17 (2022)

Less #5 (Essence Press, 2022)

Mosaikk #15 (2022)

ToCall #16 (2022)

Pocket Lint #3 (2021)

Red Door magazine #28: Typewritten (2021)

Crooked Jukebox (The 6ress, 2021)

Alien Buddha Zine #29 (2021)

Riss #1 (2019)

Hexezine (2019)

Atomstøv No. 3 (2019) 

Litteraturtidsskriftet Lasso #2 (2018)         

Spam Zine (2018)

Heksezine (2018)                      

Mosaikk #7 (2018)

Atomstøv No. 2 (2018) 

Staden No. 17-18 (2017)

Guttural #1 (2017)

Atomstøv No. 1 (2016)

Living In The City #5 (2016) 

Litteraturtidsskriftet Etter (2015)

Litteraturtidsskriftet Kamilla #4 (2014) 

Ordkonst #4 (2014)

Online journals:

HOAX (2023)

Full House Literary (2023)

Ranger Magazine #2 (2023)

Streetcake Magazine #84 (2023)

Word For/Word #40 (2023)

Slagtryk (2023)

Kontradiktion #1 (2022)

Strukturriss 3.3 (2022)

Scrypth (2022)

Word For/Word #38 (2022)

Otoliths #64 (2022)

The Abandoned Playground (2021)

Periodicities (2021)

The Babel Tower Notice Board (2021)

Beir Bua blog (2021)

Utsanga #26 (2020)

Otoliths #57 (2020)


Solo exhibitions:

W(ord)s & Weavings, Galleri Ørn, Frederiksberg (DK) 2023

Four Repeating Patterns, Galleri Zorn, Stockholm (SE) 2022

Ingen fremtid, Metanoia, Copenhagen (DK) 2019

Group exhibitions:

Konkretpoesi, Kunstkiosk44, Samsø (DK) 2024

Typewriter Works, Paper View Books, Leira (PT) 2023

Winter Notes (w/ Korana Jelača), Red Door gallery, Copenhagen (DK) 2022

Alfabet i sönderfall, Kulturbiblioteket, Stockholm (SE) 2022

Virtual Exhibition of Visual Poetry, online exhibition 2021

Alphabet in Decay, etkbooks gallery, Bern (CH) 2021

Trånslatiøns, online exhibition 2020

Art in Quarantine, online exhibition 2020

Mennesketræ, Metanoia, Copenhagen (DK) 2020

Autopilot, Alfa Romeo 145, Den Røde Plads, Copenhagen (DK) 2020

Atomstøv exhibition, PVC, Copenhagen (DK) 2018

Portrætter af sprogets opløsning, Koldinggade 12, Copenhagen (DK) 2017

Vi tager intet ansvar 5, Warehouse9, Copenhagen (DK) 2017

Shared Walls, Julius Bloms Gade, Copenhagen (DK) 2016

Produktion >< Publikation, FAA Project Room, Odense (DK) 2015

Comic Sans For Cancer, The Proud Archivist, London (UK) 2014


With Naarkas:

Slangen (7", Strange Aeons 2021)

With Ond Tro:

Syv sange (7", Travesty Music 2020)

Støv (LP, Travesty Music 2018)

Ond Tro (7", Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2017)

Debut (CS, Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2017)

With Sære Gamle Villa:

Sære Gamle Villa (7", Travesty Music 2018)

With Lors Doukaiev:

Punk Snot Death (CS, Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2017)

With Fejlfix:

Where Everything Ends & Nothing Begins (CS, Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2015)

Ensom blandt mennesker (7", Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2012)

Live Tape (CS, Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2012)

Langsom død (7", Spaghetti Cassetti Records 2010)

With Under Al Kritik:

Under Al Kritik (LP, Bad Hair Life Records 2009)

Insomnia E.P. (7", Mastermind Records 2008 + Sorry State Records 2009)

Live i Den Grå Hal (CD, Exploding Records 2007)

Hold kæft! (CD, Exploding Records 2006)